New cell Code for wellness

22.22 New Cell Code
A new Way to have healthly cells evreyday 

Il corpo umano è una “macchina perfetta”.

In ogni istante avvengono milioni di reazioni biochimiche che innescano processi biologici che permettono  la corretta funzione di tutti gli organi vitali.

Queste reazioni avvengono all'interno delle cellule, per mezzo di strutture  dedicate che si occupano di 

      - generare energia (attraverso la respirazione  cellulare);

     - ottimizzare l'ambiente (attraverso l'eliminazione delle tossine);

      - generare cellule giovani e sane (attraverso la rigenerazione  cellulare).

Tutto ciò avviene  solo e unicamente in presenza di specifiche sostanze, quali enzimi,  proteine e altri cofattori biologici.

La maggior parte di queste  sostanze sono già presenti nel nostro corpo o vengono introdotte con la corretta alimentazione. 

Proporzionalmente all'avanzare dell'età, le sostanze essenziali tendono a diminuire provocando un rallentamento dei processi, fino al punto che la sola alimentazione non rimane più sufficiente a soddisfare le richieste biologiche. 

Numerosi studi scientifici hanno dimostrato che mediante una corretta  integrazione di  specifiche sostanze bioattive, si ripristinano i livelli delle sostanze e si ottimizzano tali processi.

Tra questi, alcuni degli elementi ad oggi più  studiati dalla scienza internazionale che dimostrano efficaci sono:

Il Coenzima Q 10, il Resveratrolo, il D-ribosio e altri cofattori biologici come ad esempio vitamine e minerali.

The human body is a “perfect machine”.
Millions of biochemical reactions take place every moment, triggering biological processes that allow the correct function of all vital organs.
These reactions take place inside the cells, through dedicated structures that they deal with
     - generate energy (through cellular respiration);
     - optimize the environment (through the elimination of toxins);
    - generate young and healthy cells (through cell regeneration).
All this occurs only and exclusively in the presence of specific substances, such as enzymes, proteins and other biological cofactors.
Most of these substances are already present in our body or are introduced with proper nutrition.
Proportionally with advancing age, the concentration of the essential substances tend to decrease, causing a slowdown in that processes, to the point that nutrition alone is no longer sufficient to satisfy biological demands.
Numerous scientific studies have shown that through a correct integration of specific bioactive substances, the levels of that substances are restored and these processes are optimized.
Among these, some of the elements most studied to date by international science that prove effective are:
Coenzyme Q 10, Resveratrol, D-ribose and other biological cofactors such as vitamins and minerals.
Main component: 

It has a global effect on human health by slowing down the general clock of the aging process and extending longevity. Studies show that it has a positive effect on cellular fitness being engaged in cardiovascular function, reduces cancer-related mortality and delays neurodegenerationResearch also has shown that its supplementation has a positive impact on memory performance in the aging population as it declines the progression to dementia and promotes a cognitive and brain health. 

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a fat-soluble, vitamin-like compound, naturally synthesized in the human body. It is found in every cell in the mitochondrial membrane. It is involved in the production of cellular energy. CoQ10 is also the only lipid-soluble antioxidant manufactured within the body. The highest levels of CoQ10 are found in organs with high energy requirements, such as heart, liver and kidneys.

Role of Coq10 in the body:
It is involved in processes which produce more than 95% of energy. It is necessary for converting „food into energy“. Fights free radicals that damage our cells. Regenerates vitamins C and E back to their active, fully reduced forms. It is involved in electron transport chain.

Decrease of CoQ10 levels in the body:

Biosynthesis and concentration of CoQ10 in the most vital organs decreases rapidly with age. The decline starts after the age of 25. Smoking, stress, inadequate nutrition, statin therapy and several other factors additionally affect CoQ10 levels in the body. While endogenous biosynthesis is the major source of CoQ10 in the human body, we also obtain it from the diet. However, the average dietary intake is 3-6 mg, which is not enough to compensate for age- and disease-related decline of CoQ10. Hence, CoQ10 supplementation is often recommended after the age of 30.

CoQ10's properties make it helpful in the preservation of cells and the prevention and treatment of some chronic diseases.

Cardiovascular health

Several clinical studies investigated effects of CoQ10 supplementation on cardiovascular health, the most comprehensive being an international clinical study named Q-Symbio.

Neurodegenerative diseases
Several neurodegenerative diseases have been associated with CoQ10 deficiency. Clinical studies have researched its potential in treating those with impaired mitochondrial function or excessive oxidative damage.
CoQ10 slows the functional decline in Parkinson's and Huntington's disease, improves Friedreich's ataxia and mitochondrial myopathies

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